Sunday, 8 July 2012


Read this...

Keith Richards' autobiography

Wear this...

Baby Anything skull ring - a feminine take on Keith's bespoke ring

Listen to this...

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Hump Day

Hoping to do more tootling this summer

"Wednesday is Hump Day". I said this in front of my new colleagues and got some strange looks in return.

It has nothing to do with those extra-curricular activities. Is it the celebration of the fact that at lunchtime on Wednesdays you are officially "over the hump" and can stop dreaming about the previous weekend and start planning for the one coming up.

Today is an extra special Hump Day as it is also Summer Solstice.

Another 'hump' if you will. It's the longest day of the year and from now on they will get shorter and night will come sooner. I guess technically that means we are half way through summer, although it doesn't feel like it has even begun yet. This is not such a happy hump.

I'd better start working on that Summer Bucket List pronto. So far I have only made a little progress on points 1, 8 and 1. Must. Try. Harder.

Happy Hump Day!

Friday, 15 June 2012

Friday Club

It's been a long week. Not only was it the first full week after the double-stuffed Jubilee bank holiday weekend; it was also my first full week in my new job. Double long.

I think I'm getting into the swing of this commuting malarkey. Grab a coffee on the way to the station and a copy of Metro as I hop into (what has already become) My Seat on the train.

The journey home is the perfect time to check my RSS feed and catch up on my favourite blogs.

These are some of the things that have helped me wind down after leaving the office this week:

The photos are great but this video made my giggle like a loon.

I'm not sure how I stumbled across this blog but it feels like a collection of photos I wish I'd posted on Pinterest.

The sales are starting this week so obviously I fell in lust with this full-priced dress. Typical.

Happy Notes would definitely come in useful when I'm feeling far away from friends in need.

Perhaps I need to add Germany to my list of wanderlust list. Pretzels and ice-cream?

Happy weekend! I'm hoping to tick something off my Summer Bucket List although I'm not sure what yet.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

The Move

So I did it, I made the move. 
The move that has been at the top of my 5 Year Plan for the, five years.  The move that my Clapham-born Dad has been nagging me to make for I don't know how long.  
The move to London.
Well, I have completed the first phase of The Move at least.  I'm staying with one of my favourite friends in the picturesque town of Henley-on-Thames and commuting to my new job in the City.  One thing at a time.
I have a Travelcard, blazer and killer heels (stored under my desk for when I get to the office obviously)
The Move was a scary one.  I've had some great times over the last few months and as the time came to leave I had the inevitable doubts as to whether I was doing the right thing.  Surely it would be easier to stay near the beach, near friends this summer.  I could relocate in the Autumn, or next year.

When it came to it, I knew that this was, is, the right time for me.  I was encouraged by family and friends who reminded me that should I need them, they will be right where I left the sea.
I can't quite believe that I have done it after all this time.  This is my life now and I intend the record my eats, buys and adventures here.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Summer Bucket List

Inspired by last week's Joy the Baker podcast I decided to compile a list of summertime goals to ensure that the next few months don't pass me by.  It's June, it's blowing a gale but here goes...
Enthusiasm - lost & found
PYO berry farm 
"one for you, one for me"
Cut my long hair short 
(or at least think about it)
Visit Brockley Market
I'm hoping Katy will escort me.
Make more homemade ice cream
Cherry & amaretti is top of the list.  Always.
Another thing I lost the bug for?!
Make s'mores
Need to source proper Graham Crackers from the States
Take more photos
A photo a day might be a good start
Bake bacon cookies
Sweet? Savoury? Salty? So intrigued
Be a tourist in London
It's the place to be this summer apparently?!

It may feel more like Autumn right now but this little list has made me feel better already.
Listening to: 
The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun